Transparent, upfront pricing.
Individual & Family Tax Preparation
Basic Tax Preparation
Our minimum price for a basic personal tax return is $650. This includes most W-2 income, Social Security income, investment 1099’s and other simple income sources. We offer discounted pricing for children’s tax returns.
Basic tax preparation includes a virtual meeting with a CPA on our team where we will answer all your questions and provide tax strategy advice to you and your family.
Starting at $650
Advanced Tax Preparation
If you own rental properties, have consulting income, or have investments that generate form K-1, you require advanced tax preparation services. Pricing starts at $850 and increases based on complexity. Pricing is based on how many rental properties, K-1’s, and 1099’s you are required to report.
Our advanced tax preparation service also includes a strategy meeting with a Stenger Tax Advisory CPA.
Starting at $850
Complex & HNW Taxes
High net worth families typically require advanced planning and complex tax strategy services coordinated alongside their investment and estate plans. Our complex and HNW tax preparation package includes in-depth tax planning that goes beyond preparing and filing your tax return.
This service includes 4 quarterly meetings with a senior partner at Stenger Tax Advisory.
Starting at $2,500
Small & Medium Business Tax Preparation
Sole Proprietors
Small businesses are faced with more regulatory requirements than ever before. Our team of CPAs can help you prepare and file your small business tax return, whether self employed, an S-Corp, C-Corp, or partnership return. We can also file and prepare your senior management and owner returns. For businesses with less than $500,000 in revenue, we offer an annual strategy meeting and another meeting during tax season to make sure you’re on track for the year.
Starting at $1,000
Small & Medium Businesses
For companies with $500,000 or more in annual revenue, we offer customized, project based pricing that can include tax strategy, tax preparation and bookkeeping services. Tax preparation fees are based on complexity and number of employees. Bookkeeping is billed monthly and is based on number of monthly transactions.
Starting at $2,500
Bookkeeping Services
For growing companies, it is vital to hire a CPA firm that can handle all areas of accounting and finance for your company, often times coordinated with your in-house experts. In today’s competitive labor market, we can remove staffing issues and reduce operating costs for your company. Stenger Tax Advisory can serve as outsourced Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for your small or medium sized business. Pricing is based on complexity and revenue size.
Starting at $500/mo
Request Custom Quote
Chris Jordan, CPA, MST
Managing Partner
Naperville Accountant
400 E. Diehl Road
Suite 550
Naperville, IL 60563
Houston Accountant
1700 City Plaza
Suite 440
Spring, TX 77389
Phone: (630) 912-8504